Mary Brennan Inn to host socially distant food drive

The Mary Brennan INN, at 100 Madison Ave. in Hempstead, will host a no-contact food drive on Saturday, Apri 17, from 10 a.m. to noon. Donors will place donations on a table, with masked collection volunteers standing at a distance. They will retrieve the food after donors drive away.

Needed items include:

Canned meats Canned tuna and salmon Canned soup (flip-top cans) Canned stews and chili Canned vegetables Canned fruit Dry soup Peanut butter Jelly (no glass) Travel and regular-size toiletries (soap, shampoo, conditioner) Baby diapers sizes 4 and up Hot and cold cereals (oatmeal and Farina) Rice Powdered milk Packaged pasta, including macaroni and cheese Canned beans Baby food and cereal Baby formula (Enfamil and Similac) Toilet paper

No clothing donations at this time.